Our Rehabilitation Services


Chiropractors are doctors with a minimum of 7-8 years of post-secondary education who specialize in treatment of the…

Registered Massage Therapy

Registered Massage therapists use hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, specifically the muscles, connective tissues…


Physiotherapy can be helpful in both acute and chronic injuries. This treatment helps to relieve pain and promote injury recover from sports injuries, day to day activities, post surgery, and motor vehicle accidents.

Compression Stockings

Compression Stockings are custom fitted garments that assist in preventing edema, treating varicose veins and promoting circulation in…


Acupuncture is a system of complementary medicine that involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles into the skin and/or…


Orthotics are custom made inserts for your shoes that are worn daily. Orthotics can be helpful to relieve…

Custom Bracing

Bracing products can be helpful at a variety of stages of rehabilitation and recovery. From stabilization and limiting…

A pro-active approach to health, rehabilitation and musculoskeletal fitness

A pro-active approach to health, rehabilitation and musculoskeletal fitness