When Shоuld Yоu Wеаr A Lumbar Brасе?
2024-01-03T19:19:51+00:00Guest blog provided by Dr. Alex Tauberg For some reason people love braces. Often times when someone hurts their back one of the first things they do is go out [...]
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Guest blog provided by Dr. Alex Tauberg For some reason people love braces. Often times when someone hurts their back one of the first things they do is go out [...]
**If you are experiencing any unusual symptoms or unusually severe pain, then you should consult a health care provider. Only attempt exercises if you have not been advised against [...]
My last chiropractor took x-rays to know where to treat, how do you know where to treat without them? There are many different approaches to chiropractic treatment. Some chiropractors feel [...]
Can I go to a chiropractor and not get adjusted? Frequently, while discussing consent with patients, and while going over various treatment options, patients are surprised when chiropractic adjustments are [...]
My last chiropractor didn’t assess me, why do I have to undergo one here? This question luckily hasn’t come up very often, but I have been asked this periodically. While [...]
Many endurance athletes experience lingering / nagging discomfort throughout the year that they just “live with” and “train through” and are able to continue doing what they love to do. [...]
Commonly, when patients go to a walk-in clinic for a recent onset of low back, or neck , or other pain, they'll be sent for an xray to rule out [...]
A great video from Dr. Mike Evans on one of the most common ailments we see in the office - low back pain. This video offers a great review of [...]
When we hear the term ‘Plantar Fasciitis’ the question that comes to our mind is: what is this and what does it mean to me? First off, let’s look at [...]
Headaches are commonly experienced in the adult population and are the third most common reason people seek chiropractic care. Patients usually seek chiropractic treatments for pain relief from headaches, and [...]
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Healing the body by restoring
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Phasellus non ante ac dui sagittis volutpat. Curabitur a quam nisl. Nam est elit, congue et quam id, laoreet consequat erat. Aenean porta placerat efficitur. Vestibulum et dictum massa, ac finibus turpis.
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