Traditional Chinese Medicine in Milton
Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on addressing the root causes of health issues rather than simply alleviating symptoms. It involves a holistic approach that aims to restore balance, enhance the body’s natural healing abilities, and promote long-term wellness.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture (or TCM Acupuncture) varies from medical Acupuncture in that the theory behind a patient’s diagnosis is different. A TCM Acupuncturist uses Traditional Chinese Medicine principles to diagnose and develop a treatment plan for their patients. They look not only at a patient’s chief complaint, but also they consider imbalances throughout the whole body. Typically there are a variety of symptoms that may be grouped together that indicate either an excess or deficiency within the body that causes the patient’s chief complaint. This allows a TCM Acupuncturist to treat a wide variety of health concerns beyond acute pain conditions.
A TCM Acupuncturist also selects acupoints in a different manner. They view the body as having energy pathways called “meridians”, in which “qi” energy flows. In general, the meridians follow the peripheral nervous system and, consequently, many acupoints are located near nerve roots. The overall goal of a TCM Acupuncturist is to unblock “qi” that is stuck and not flowing properly through the meridian. In TCM theory, acupoints have specific functions individually, as well as in specific groups. As a result, a TCM Acupuncturist is likely to choose acupoints all over the body.
Here is a list of some of the main health concerns that can be treated by a TCM Acupuncturist:
- Pain (including arthritis, muscle aches, sprains and spasms, injuries, joint pain & stiffness)
- Headaches & migraines, TMJ, dizziness, problems with your eyes or ears
- Insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression (muscle tension as well as emotional support)
- Allergies, asthma, cold & flu symptoms (cough, sinus congestion, sore throat)
- Digestion & gut problems (IBS, bloating, distension, gas, acid reflux, nausea, belching)
- Diarrhea & constipation, problems with urination
- Circulatory problems, high or low blood pressure
- Irregular period, PMS & menopause symptoms, fertility concerns
TCM Cupping
Cupping is a form of healing therapy in which cups (glass, silicone or plastic) are suctioned to an area of the body. The cups can be stationary or moving, based on the area of the body and the constitution of the patient. It increases blood flow, loosens the fascia or connective tissue, and is thought to stimulate healing. The cups are often placed on the back, neck and shoulders or directly at the site of pain.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a healing technique in which a stone tool is repeatedly pressed along a lubricated area of the body until the skin begins to turn red. This technique is particularly beneficial in areas of the body that are tense or where scar tissue has built up. It can help improve blood flow, help break down scar tissue, and relax muscles.
Cupping and Gua Sha should not cause any pain. They are still able to release tension and improve blood flow when done lightly. There is a possibility that red or purple marks could remain on the skin after treatment, but they normally dissipate within a few days.
Traditional Chinese Medicine services are provided at MiltonBackDoc by Catherine Johnston, TCM.
Book TCM Online, by phone at (905) 864-9799,or by email at
Our TCM Practitioner Catherine Johnston is committed to to patient-centered care. In addition to extensive training in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, Cathy also has advanced knowledge in Neuro-Orthopedic and Sports Acupuncture and Fertility and Women’s Health, allowing her to treat a wide variety of conditions.