Viscosupplementation For The Knee


Here’s another blog in our guest series, from Dr. Steven Konkle.  Dr. Konkle is a chiropractor with 12 years experience, who currently practices in Ottawa at Remedy Chiropractic and Sports [...]

Viscosupplementation For The Knee2024-01-03T19:23:45+00:00

Do I need an Xray?


Commonly, when patients go to a walk-in clinic for a recent onset of low back, or neck , or other pain, they'll be sent for an xray to rule out [...]

Do I need an Xray?2024-01-02T21:50:35+00:00

Weight Loss: The REAL Secret


So you've heard every bit of advice. Eat less. Eat more. A calorie is a calorie. Cardio, HIIT, strength training. Yoga, mindfulness, get enough sleep. Get still more sleep. High [...]

Weight Loss: The REAL Secret2024-01-02T21:52:32+00:00

Patellofemoral Syndrome


What is it? Patellofemoral Syndrome, or PFS for short is basically pain in your knee.  Specifically the front of your knee.  The name Patellofemoral Syndrome comes from the involvement of [...]

Patellofemoral Syndrome2024-01-02T21:52:55+00:00

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Phasellus non ante ac dui sagittis volutpat. Curabitur a quam nisl. Nam est elit, congue et quam id, laoreet consequat erat. Aenean porta placerat efficitur. Vestibulum et dictum massa, ac finibus turpis.

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