The Latest Risk Factor: Sitting


So we've all heard it by now, "sitting is the new smoking". But is it really? The short answer is... well... there isn't a short answer. Let's look at smoking: [...]

The Latest Risk Factor: Sitting2024-01-02T21:52:43+00:00

Patellofemoral Syndrome


What is it? Patellofemoral Syndrome, or PFS for short is basically pain in your knee.  Specifically the front of your knee.  The name Patellofemoral Syndrome comes from the involvement of [...]

Patellofemoral Syndrome2024-01-02T21:52:55+00:00

Cumulative Microtrauma


You may have heard your Doctor or your Physiotherapist or your Chiropractor use this term before.  You may have heard it on a medical drama on television.  Or you might [...]

Cumulative Microtrauma2024-01-02T21:53:09+00:00

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