WSIB Questions


Questions: I've had problems in the injured area before. Does that prevent me from filing a claim? No! The goal of the claim is to help you get back [...]

WSIB Questions2024-07-26T22:38:47+00:00

WSIB Forms


If you've had a workplace injury and are filing a WSIB claim, here is a quick review of the relevant forms involved in claims: Form 6: Completed by the [...]

WSIB Forms2024-07-31T22:14:30+00:00

Viscosupplementation For The Knee


Here’s another blog in our guest series, from Dr. Steven Konkle.  Dr. Konkle is a chiropractor with 12 years experience, who currently practices in Ottawa at Remedy Chiropractic and Sports [...]

Viscosupplementation For The Knee2024-01-03T19:23:45+00:00

Orthotics, Insurance and You


This time of year, we see a large increase in demand for custom made foot orthotics. The weather gets cooler and wetter, and footwear choices change from flip-flops to warm, [...]

Orthotics, Insurance and You2024-01-03T19:25:06+00:00

Compression Stockings Part 2


This is a continuation of Dr Stone's Compression Stocking Blog posted on December 16, 2019. If you haven't read Part I - you can check it out here. How do [...]

Compression Stockings Part 22024-01-03T19:33:18+00:00

Compression Stockings Part 1


Aren't compression stockings for old people? Many people are under the impression that compression stockings are solely for the elderly. In the past, compression stockings were made primarily in neutral [...]

Compression Stockings Part 12024-01-03T19:32:58+00:00

About Our Practice

Phasellus non ante ac dui sagittis volutpat. Curabitur a quam nisl. Nam est elit, congue et quam id, laoreet consequat erat. Aenean porta placerat efficitur. Vestibulum et dictum massa, ac finibus turpis.

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