Dr. Kandice Kissoondath


Treatment Approach: Spinal manipulation, joint mobilizations, movement/muscle assessment, muscle release technique, and home exercise therapy

Focus: Hands on, movement-focused, and acupuncture

Additional expertise/experience: Athletes, children, weekend warriors, general wellness, and desk workers

Dr. Kandice is a chiropractor who graduated in 2021 from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. With a practice style that is hands-on, movement-focused, and incorporating acupuncture into her patient’s treatments.

Dr. Kandice is experienced in a variety of treatment methods, including spinal manipulative therapy, acupuncture, rehabilitation exercises, and movement/muscle assessment. These techniques allow Dr. Kandice to assess the movement patterns of her patients and provide interventions to help them achieve their movement goals.

Dr. Kandice has extensive experience working with a diverse range of patients. This includes athletes, children, weekend warriors, general wellness, and desk workers. By focusing on these patient types, Dr. Kandice can provide specialized care that targets the unique challenges these patients face.


A pro-active approach to health, rehabilitation and musculoskeletal fitness

A pro-active approach to health, rehabilitation and musculoskeletal fitness